Huang Chih-Huei is a senior cultural anthropologist, working at Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (1991~). She graduated from the Dept. of Anthropology at National Taiwan University (1982), and got her MA and PhD training from National Osaka University, Japan (1986~1991). Her major interests are Socio-cultural Anthropology, Japan Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Okinawa Studies. During the past years, she has conducted fieldworks in Japan (Tenri city), Okinawa (Yonaguni Island), and Taiwan (Indigenous People’s Reserves, etc.)
Currently she is leading a research group of Action Anthropology in the Institute of Ethnology, and also an activist organizing some NGOs for protecting human rights of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples and for the preservation of cultural heritages built in the Japanese colonial era. (Action Anthropology Website.
All of her publications are attached in the pages of this site, in Japanese and Chinese version. Major publications in English (see PUBLICATION item) include:
“The Yamatodamashi of the Takasago Volunteers of Taiwan: A Reading of the Postcolonial Situation.” (Globalizing Japan, 2001),
“The Transformation of Taiwanese Attitudes toward Japan in the Post-colonial Period.” (Imperial Japan and National Identities in Asia, 2003),
"Ethno-cultural connections among the Islands around Yonaguni: The network of the 'East Taiwan Sea'" (Ogasawara Research 37, 2011),
“Ethnic Diversity, Two-Layered Colonization, and Complex Modern Taiwanese Attitudes toward Japan” (Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy, 2015),