Year  Title  PDF




Yosuke Kaifu, Chih-hsing Lin, Akira Goto,etc., “Palaeolithic seafaring in East Asia: testing the bamboo raft hypothesis”, Antiquity:93(372): 1424-1441, Cambridge University: Antiquity Publications Ltd.






“Legacy and Aftermath: Reflections on the Development of Anthropology between Taiwan and Japan”, Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology. Vol.202:203-215.






"Taiwan’s Endangered Ethnic Groups: A Predicament and Its Protection Proposal" in 胡台麗、余舜德、周玉慧ed.,跨.文化:人類學與心理學的視野, pp.169-198. Taipei: Academia Sinica, Institute of Ethnology. 








“Ethnic Diversity, Two-Layered Colonization and Modern Taiwanese Attitudes toward Japan” in Andrew D. Morris ed., Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy, pp.133–153. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 





이동과 표류사료에 나타난 민족간의 접촉과 문화의 유연관게〉윤용택이장익쓰하 다카시eds.,《제주와 오키나와》pp.490-523Seoul보고사 





"Ethnocultural connections among the Islands around Yonagunijima: The network of the “East Taiwan Sea”, OGASAWARA RESEARCH(小笠原研究)37: 7-24,  Tokyo: Ogasawara Research Committee of Tokyo Metropolitan University. 





“Japan has to repay its moral debt to Taiwan,” TAIPEI TIMES, Nov. 9, 2007, pp.8. 






“The Transformation of Taiwanese Attitudes toward Japan in the Post-colonial Period.” in Narangoa Li and Robert Cribb eds., Imperial Japan and National Identities in Asia, 1895-1945, pp.296–314. London: RoutledgeCurzon. 





“Culture at root of Yasukuni issue.” THE DAILY YOMIURI, pp.6, Sep. 11, Tokyo: THE DAILY YOMIURI. 





“The Yamatodamashi of the Takasago Volunteers of Taiwan: A Reading of the Postcolonial Situation.” in Harumi Befu and Sylvie Guichard-Anguis eds., Globalizing Japan: Ethnography of the Japanese Presence in Asia, Europe, and America, pp.222–250. London: Routledge.  





“A Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples’ View of the Environment-An Analysis of the Anti-dam Construction Movement-” in Asian-Pacific Center ed., Views of the Environment in Asian Countries-Their Relationship to Sustainable Development-, pp.83-93. Tokyo: The United Nations University. 


(Publications in Chinese or Japanese please see CHI or JAP version)